Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 13....A sad day/PLEASE pray for us.

Today has been a sad day in the Hammond home. We had to have our beloved cat, Smokey, put to sleep. I knew that she was old and sick, and to keep her here would only be selfish. I thought I was prepared for this, but I definitely was NOT. I ended up crying all morning.

Having to deal with putting the cat to sleep did give me permission to cry about some other things. I have been so focused on keeping a positive attitude about Tommy’s loss of employment that I have sometimes been unable to cry. I determined in May that I would have a positive attitude, and be a “big girl”. I have “sucked up” the tears so much that I almost couldn’t even cry when I needed to. Tommy has been unemployed since May 1. After applying for well over 300 positions, he STILL has not found a job. I really thought he would be working by now. We were prepared for him to accept a lesser position due to the economy, etc. We just weren’t prepared for it to take this long. Financially, we are doing okay. God is providing, and we continue to count our blessings.

There is something you can do for us if you are reading this:

First, and most importantly, please continue to pray for us.
Second, please let us know if you know of a position that Tommy might be qualified for. He was in production management for over 20 years, but can also work in shipping/receiving, quality control, and several machine shop positions. One of his former supervisors told me once that he really believed that Tommy had a “God-given” talent for management. He has a superior work ethic, and leads by example. He worked in a variety of places in his early employment years including a tire store, hardware store, and 13 years for L&N Railroad (now CSX). He has been employed since he was 12 years old, and thrives on work and handles every task as if it were personally stamped with his name on it. Simply put, he would be an asset to any company he worked for. In his previous job, he was normally the first to arrive, and the last to leave. On weekends he was also on the job, checking on the equipment, or just trying to make things smoother for the week ahead.

We continue to believe that God will take care of us, and will work a miracle in our lives. Will you continue to pray for us?

By the way, if you need a copy of Tommy’s resume, we can e-mail to you in a moment’s notice.


Susie said...

Sorry to hear that he still hasn't found a job. Will continue praying for him. I will keep my ears open for him.

Rachel said...

Janie, I'm so sorry for the loss of your cat today. It is a very sad day.

I read Business First every week - I'll let you know if I see anything regarding a job. Hang in there!