Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Summer is OVER!

Today is my last day off for the summer. I start back to work tomorrow. Where has the time gone? This will be known as the "Summer of the Wedding" or "The Summer I could NOT sleep". I've been a nervous wreck about the wedding all summer. I cannot believe that it is 4 days away.

I'd like to give a message to all of you with younger kids.......... They will grow up much faster than you could ever imagine! "Older" people used to tell me this all the time when Nick & Laura were little, and it is something that I could never fully comprehend until the last few years.

Please remember us in your prayers this weekend! I want this wedding to be beautiful!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Laura is making me do this!

Laura said that I had to have a blog. Since she will be moving out in 11 days, I can't refuse her last wish.

I'm KNEE-DEEP in wedding plans. On one hand I'll be glad when it's over. On the other hand, my little girl is leaving home. The fact that she is getting married to someone she loves makes me happy, but I have to admit that I'm a little sad that she will be moving 3 1/2 hours away. She has been my constant companion/friend/sparring partner for almost 22 years. Today I started thinking about her moving away and I kind of lost it.

The thing about the wedding that I am most excited about is seeing her walk down the aisle in her beautiful wedding dress. I know that she will be radiant. The thing about this wedding that will be the hardest for me is when she walks out of her reception. It is then that I will know that she is really moving out.

Every mother dreams about her daughter's wedding, and wants to make it as special as possible. I have had a wonderful time planning the whole thing. I can't believe it's almost here.